Mission For English scroll down
Gooroo er startet for at gøre verden mere praktisk, mere funktionel og mere smuk. Gooroo leverer produkter og services, som er gode for dig. Vores produkter gør dit liv lettere og sparer dig for sekunder, minutter og måske endda timer, som du i stedet kan bruge på de ting du elsker at lave. Gooroos produkter er smukke, fordi skønhed i hverdagen spreder ro og afslapning. Gooroos idéer bliver til løsninger, som er velfunderede økologisk, økonomisk, æstetisk og mange andre gode -isk-ord.
Navnet Gooroo
En guru er en lærer med en god portion viden at dele ud af.
I Gooroo er det helt bestemt ikke målet at lære dig noget. Men det er helt bestemt målet at give noget tilbage - ligesom en lærer giver noget tilbage ved at dele hans eller hendes viden. Så det handler om en guru med et tvist. Det er derfor u-erne i "guru" er byttet ud med dobbelt-o-er.
Gooroo vil gerne give dig sekunder og minutter og måske endda timer tilbage, som du måske ville have brugt på at være irriteret på et produkt i dit liv. Og Gooroo håber, at du vil bruge denne tid med et smil på læben, mens du laver lige det, du virkelig elsker at lave.
Gooroo forsøger at få dig til at smil ved at gøre vores produkter gode økologisk, økonomisk, æstetisk og give dem en masse andre gode egenskaber.
Mission English
Gooroo was founded to make the world more practical, more functional and more beautiful. Gooroo delivers products and services that are good for you. Our products make your life easier and saves your seconds, minutes and maybe even hours that you can spend on the things you love to do instead. Gooroo's products are beautiful because beauty in the little things relax the mind. Gooroo's ideas become solutions that are sound ecologically, financially, aesthetically and every other good -ly you can think of.
The Gooroo name
A guru is a teacher with a great deal of knowledge to share.
At Gooroo it is definitely not the goal to teach you anything. But it is absolutely the goal to give something back - much like a teacher gives something back by sharing his or hers knowledge. So we are talking guru with a twist which is why the u's are replaced by double o's.
Gooroo would like to give you back seconds and minutes and maybe even hours that you would have spent being annoyed at some product in your daily life. And Gooroo hopes you'll spend this time with a smile on your face doing whatever it is you love to do the most.
Gooroo intends to give you this little bit of extra smiling time by making our products sound ecologically, financially, aesthetically and every other good -ly you can think of.